

Important dates & Informations about Springer book


Textbook (in English):

“Economic and Political Aspects of EU-Asian Relations”

Editors-in-chief: Prof. Nguyen Truc Le, Prof. Nguyen An Thinh, Prof. Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska, Prof. Marcin Salamaga


The relationship between EU and Asia has been shaped by a complex interplay of economic and political factors, which have been influenced by the rise of globalization, sustainable development, and climate change responses in recent years. In this context, it is important to understand the key drivers that are shaping these relations and their implications for both regions.

The economic relationship between EU and Asia is an important one, with both regions relying heavily on trade and investment. In recent years, the growth of the Asian economy has been a key driver of economic relations between the two regions, with Asian countries becoming major trading partners for many EUan nations. This has been facilitated by the rise of globalization, which has enabled the creation of a global supply chain and the growth of international trade.

At the same time, the relationship between EU and Asia has also been shaped by the need for sustainable development. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to address the environmental and social impacts of economic development, particularly in Asia. This has led to an increasing focus on sustainability in trade and investment, with both EU and Asia seeking to promote sustainable economic growth through the adoption of green technologies and the implementation of environmentally friendly policies.

The political relationship between EU and Asia has also been shaped by a range of factors, including the need for cooperation on key global issues such as climate change and sustainable development. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for a coordinated global response to these challenges, with both EU and Asia playing an important role in shaping the international agenda. Political relations between the two regions have also been shaped by geopolitical tensions and strategic interests. The rise of China as a global economic and political power has led to increased competition between China and the West, with EU and Asia both seeking to balance their economic interests with their strategic concerns. This has led to a complex political relationship, with both regions seeking to balance their economic and strategic interests while also addressing key global challenges.

Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges facing the world today, and the response to this challenge has been a key driver of economic and political relations between EU and Asia. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to address the impacts of climate change, particularly in Asia, which is one of the regions most vulnerable to its effects. The response to climate change has also been shaped by economic considerations, with both EU and Asia seeking to promote green growth and sustainable development. This has led to a growing focus on renewable energy and sustainable technologies, with both regions seeking to lead the way in the development and adoption of these technologies.

The Vietnam-EU Economic and Trade Forum 2023 (VEF2023) titled “Economic Aspects of EU-Asian Relations” jointly organized by VNU University of Economics and Business (Vietnam), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO), and Vietnamese Business Association in EU (VBAE). The theme of the VEF2023 deals with the economic and political relationship between Vietnam, other Asian countries and EU in the context of globalization, sustainable development and climate change responses. It covers wide topics of Asian- EU economic-politic relation promotion; policies for environmental protection, green growth and climate change responses in Asian and EU countries; and education, culture, science and technology, and innovation cooperation between Asian and EU countries. The book offers a collection of original conference papers, and provides an opportunity to engage with a selection of peer-reviewed papers that were presented during the VEF 2023 at VNU University of Economics and Business, Hanoi, Vietnam. All selected papers include a preface, figures, tables, and photographs. Also the comments by the reviewers are provided. In total book is expected to cover an estimated 400 functional pages.

The topics for the papers should be below:

1. Asian-EU economic relations promotion

- Free trade agreements and bilateral trade relations

- Trade facilitation and supply chain resilience

- Economic cooperation in emerging sectors

- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) engagement - Challenges and opportunities in cross-border e-commerce - etc.

2. Policies for green economy and low carbon economy in Asian and EU countries

- Renewable energy transition

- Carbon pricing mechanisms

- Circular economy initiatives

- Green infrastructure investment

- Climate adaptation and resilience - etc.

3. Education, culture, science and technology, and innovation cooperation between Asian and EU countries

- Student exchange programs and scholarships

- Cultural diplomacy and cultural heritage preservation - Scientific research collaboration

- Technology transfer and innovation ecosystems

- Language and cultural exchange programs

- etc.

The book editors

The Springer Book “Economic and Political Aspects of EU-Asian Relations” is edited by Prof. Nguyen Truc Le, Prof. Nguyen An Thinh, Prof. Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska, and Prof. Marcin Salamaga.

Professor Dr. Nguyen Truc Le published academic papers and text books on business administration and financial policies. He now is in charge of the President of University Council of VNU University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Prof Nguyen Truc Le is the chairman of Organization Board of the international conference on “Economic Aspects of EU-Asian Relations” (VEF2023).

Professor Dr. Nguyen An Thinh who guided and performed an impressive series of sustainable development and climate change projects in Vietnam. Currently professor Nguyen An Thinh acts as the Dean of Faculty of Development Economics, VNU University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Professor Nguyen An Thinh is editors-in-chief of a series of Springer monographs “Human ecology of climate change hazards in Vietnam” (2019), “Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies: Proceedings of EDESUS 2019” (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) (2021), “Contemporary Economic Issues in Asian countries: Proceeding of CEIAC 2022” (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) (2023), and “Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies: Proceedings of EDESUS 2023” (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) (2023, in processing).

Professor Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska is associate professor in the Department of Economics at the Krakow University of Economics. Since October 2020 she has been serving as a Head of the Department. Her research interests focus on the labour market, migration, welfare state, ageing society and global political economy at large. Authoress and co-authoress of numerous articles in Polish and English. She has participated in multiple international research projects, including those co-financed by the European Commission, addressing youth unemployment in the European Union (7th Framework Program), information society (5th Framework Program), informal work (5th Framework Program), social economy (INTERREG IIIC) and support for the elderly workers (INTERREG IVC). Her recent project: MINTE (Migrants’ Integration via Education) financed under Erasmus+ addresses the integration policy of Ukrainian refugees. Her research and expertise covers the following policy areas: Employment, education and skills, long-term unemployed and supporting transitions towards employments; Social inclusion; Migration. Moreover, her expert work touches upon the following areas: Future of work (2018); Adult learning (2015); Employment agencies (2013); Apprenticeships and traineeships (2012); Evaluation (2006). Between 2008 and 2009 she served as a Head (director) of the Joint Technical Secretariat, Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland- Slovak Republic 2007-2013. She is a member of the Polish Economic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne). She is an alumni of Erste Stiftung in Vienna and the European University Institute in Florence, as well as Central European University in Budapest, University of Limerick and the European Consortium of Sociological Research. As an expert, she cooperates with various public and private sector institutions, both at the national and international level. She is listed as the reviewer for the National Centre of Science of Poland and the European Commission (Marie-Curie Programme)

Professor Marcin Salamaga is associate professor in the Department of Statistics of the Krakow University of Economics. His scientific interests focus on the use of quantitative methods in economic and social research, especially in the areas of foreign trade, foreign investment, development economics, innovation and the capital market. He is the author of over 150 scientific publications and monographs, he has presented papers at over many national and international scientific conferences.

The book addresses a wide array of professors, researchers, lecturers, and students in economics and business, consultants, and decision makers interested in the issues related to economic and political aspects of EU-Asian relations.

The Review Process

The review process usually takes 10-20 days.

Deadline, structure and format of the papers

  • Deadline:
    • Deadline for submission of the title and abstract of papers: October 10th, 2023
    • Deadline for submission of full-text papers: October 25th, 2023
    • Deadline for peer-review: October 30th, 2023
    • Deadline for edit, proof-read, and final publication: 2024
  • Structure and format: Please find the detailed requirements in the attached Format Guidelines.

Submission address and contacts

We welcome you contribute papers. Paper manuscript is submited to: Prof. Nguyen An Thinh (anthinhhus@gmail.com)

Prof. Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska (slezake@uek.krakow.pl)

Prof. Marcin Salamaga (salamaga@uek.krakow.pl)

The Book Editorial Board would like to thank the authors for their contribution to the book.


Template for Paper manuscript


Author Name (First-Middle-Family Name)(1)*, Author Name(2), Author Name(3)

(1) University Name, City, Country (2) University Name, City, Country (3) University Name, City, Country

*Corresponding Author: (Email: authormail@mail.com)

Abst ract

Texts: 150 to 250 words (11 point, Times New Romance, normal style). 1. TITLE (11 point, bold, capitalization, number “1.”, “2.”).

- - -


Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.

Use a normal font (11 point Times

Roman) for text.

Save your file in docx format (Word 2017 or higher).

1.1. Title (11 point, bold) 1.1.1. Title (11 point, bold) 1.1.2.


Romance, normal style).

1.2. Figure

(11 point, Times New


Use the equation editor or MathType for equations

- The image is a high-contrast black-and-white image (dpi ≥ 300). -

1.3. Table

- -

- Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.

- For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of

the table.


- APA Style

Abst ract

Texts: 150 to 250 words (11 point, Times New Romance, normal style). (-) The paper manuscript should have maximum 20 pages (including appendices).

Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure

number, also in bold type.

All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.

Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.


Details about Instructions for Using the Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Paper Template


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